Dwayne’s Story

Hi and hello everybody, My name is Dwayne and I live in Yarrabah, which is south-east of Cairns. I first started this program with Literacy for Life Foundation as a student in 2021. At the end of that year, they asked me to come on board as a classroom facilitator, and I agreed. From...

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National NAIDOC WEEK 2024

Keep The Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud is the theme of National NAIDOC Week 2024 which runs from 7 – 14 July. The official NAIDOC Week website is a great resource for finding out how you can help mark this important celebration. One way to show your support and to celebrate NAIDOC is...

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Reconciliation Week 2024

27 May to 3 June is Reconciliation Week. The theme for Reconciliation Week 2024 is “Now More Than Ever.” Literacy for Life Foundation encourages all Australians to continue to take a stand and be part of changing things for the better. The Reconciliation Australia website has lots of information on how people can get...

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